book a call with me

Do you feel excited to create great work, but are struggling to get the business part together? If you're a creative, you might not know where to start with creating systems in your business that are efficient and effective. 

establish a BUSINESS and a LIFE you LOVE

Running a small business yourself can feel like you're being pulled in a million different directions. 

I've taken tons of courses and tried to implement other people's systems that didn't work with how I process things or what makes sense for how I like to operate. Working with people and personalizing my processes changed the way I approach sales, marketing, and customer relationships.

If you feel like all you want to do is create good work, but feel held back by the business side of things, mentorship might be right for you. 

to start, that's okay.

If you don't know where

At the end of the four sessions, you'll have not only a business that works specifically for you (not against you) but also a framework for how to create new systems as you evolve. I'll help you set up workflows, templates, documents, task management systems, and whatever else helps you get our of running your business and into creating even better work. 

new systems to implement


We'll chat about where you are and where you want to get to. I'll look at your work, your website, and your social media and talk through steps to take to start booking with people who are aligned with where you want to go.

business evaluation


four 1-hr meetings

After I send you a detailed questionnaire, we'll have four sessions spread out over two months. This way you'll have time to implement the strategies and systems we create together. You'll also be able to see what is and isn't working for you and make adjustments moving forward. If you decide you want to keep working together, we can talk about a monthly plan moving forward.



what coaching

book today

One of the most exciting things about running your own business is the freedom of time and flexibility. If you feel bogged down and stressed out by your current business workflow, I'd love to chat. 

Mentorships are $800 for four 1-hr sessions over two months. Pay up front or pay per session. Spots are limited!


are you ready to work